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uguna native american style flutes - how the journey began

In 1998 we were in a craft gallery run by our friend Kathy Leone - Eagle Mother - a Micmac from Princeton, Massachusetts. We were buying some of Kathy's beautiful silver work but I also came across a CD of Robert Tree Cody playing his red cedar flute. Hearing that music marked the start of a journey that is still under way. Poem 'journeys'.

A few months later I bought my first flute - made from river cane - from Jim Gilliland, a Cherokee from North Alabama. Now I play native american flutes and native american-style flutes (made by non-indians), and make native american-style flutes in a variety of North American softwoods - Eastern and Western Red Cedar, Alaskan Yellow Cedar, Sequoia. Each is unique as they are made individually, entirely by hand, and take twenty hours or more to complete.


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